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Nature experiences, Outdoor Activities

Parc national d’Aiguebelle, a must-see gem!

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Parc national d’Aiguebelle is a regional must for hiking lovers. It offers exceptional viewpoints to observe fall flora and wildlife. The park team is actively working to enrich certain sectors to make your visit even more memorable, while offering you the opportunity to discover or rediscover superb trails and enjoy new experiences today. Here’s an insight into this natural gem.

Photo credit : ©Mathieu Dupuis/Parc national d’Aiguebelle SEPAQ


Family-friendly trails

The La Castorière (The beaver) and Le Petit-Nomade  (The Little Nomad ) trails are ideal for family excursions. They offer an enjoyable experience with children and with your dog on a leash. La Castorière owes its name to the large concentration of beaver habitats around the pond. It’s an easy 1 km loop that starts at the Centre de découverte et d’interprétation de Mont-Brun (Mont-Brun Discovery and Interpretation Centre). The trail is made of stone dust and boardwalks, and is suitable for people with restricted physical mobility, wheelchairs and strollers. As for the Le Petit-Nomade forest trail, it’s an easy 2.5 km loop offering a magnificent view of Lois Lake, starting from the Centre de service de Taschereau (Service Centre).

Photo credit : © Yan Kaczynski / Sentier le Castorière, parc national d’Aiguebelle SEPAQ


Hikes for moderate adventurers

In the heart of the boreal forest, the La Loutre trail (formerly known as La Salamandre) is a 4 km round-trip trail featuring sections of trees blown over by the wind. Dogs on leashes are welcome, and this trail is intermediate-level.


In the center of the park, the L’Élan trail offers a magnificent panoramic view of Patrice Lake and the Abijévis hills. This 1 km intermediate-level loop is particularly good for observing colours. Leashed dogs are also welcome, and parking is available near Patrice Lake.


Photo credit : © Mathieu Dupuis


For experienced hikers

The L’Escalade  (Climbing) and Mont-Dominant trails, with their high vantage points, are ideal for admiring the colors and the landscape. L’Escalade, a challenging 2 km round trip, leads to the summit of La Trompeuse hill (The Cheater). Departure is from the La Haie Lake parking lot, and leashed dogs are allowed. Mont-Dominant, one of Abitibi-Témiscamingue’s highest peaks, offers breathtaking views and a good-length hike. The round trip is 8 km long and difficult, with a parking lot sporting the same name.


A little bird tells us that the L’Aventurier (The Adventurer) trail is simply delightful at any time. A challenging 9.5 km loop circles La Haie Lake on rocky escarpments. Plan on a half-day outing. Parking is available at La Haie Lake. This trail can also lead to the Les Versants (The slopes) trails but is only accessible from La Haie Lake by canoe or on foot via the L’Aventurier trail.



Frequently Asked Questions

“I hear the suspended bridge is closed?”  Yes, but don’t worry! The La Traverse  (crossing) trail is still accessible, round-trip. The same goes for the Le Garde-Feu (The Fire Guard) trail: you can walk up to the tower or the footbridge, but you can’t access them.

Photo credit : ©Mathieu Dupuis/Parc national d’Aiguebelle SEPAQ


Getting to the park

Just because there’s a detour doesn’t mean it takes any longer! To get to Parc national d’Aiguebelle from Rouyn-Noranda, take Boulevard Saguenay, then the 101 Nord to the D’Alembert neighbourhood. Turn right onto Route d’Aiguebelle.  Once in the Cléricy neighbourhood, rather than heading for Mont-Brun, turn left onto rue du Souvenir (it means memories). Easy to remember, isn’t it? Then we follow the rang des Ponts (gravel road for about 10 km). This little detour, in addition to inviting us to admire the agricultural landscape, allows passengers to have fun counting farm and forest animals! Speaking from experience, it’s a lot of fun, even for grown-ups!


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