9 a.m.
The Club de Ski de Fond d’Évain invites you to a special day in tribute to one of its greatest enthusiasts: Éric Latour.
What’s it all about?
It’s a day of sporting excellence, where the goal is to collect as many ski kilometers as possible in a single day, to celebrate Éric’s legacy while supporting the club and its activities! (Legend has it that Éric could do 60 a day…)
– Friendly competition: Accumulate as many kilometers as possible before 4 p.m.!
– Individual, team (5 people) or family (4 people) participation.
– Festive evening: Spaghetti dinner starting at 6 p.m., followed by prize-giving and a draw for door prizes.
Extra challenge: Become a CLUB HERO by getting sponsored for every kilometer you ride! Your efforts could even be featured in the club’s Heroes Roll.
Registration fee :
30/adult | $15/child: Includes dinner and one drink.
If you’re not participating in the challenge: $20/adult | $10/child for dinner.
Online via Zeffy or on-site on the day of the event.
Come and challenge yourselves, laugh, ski and honor the memory of a man who embodied the very essence of our club. Together, let’s make this day a success!