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Ciné-Qualité : De son vivant

13 to 14 March 2022

A man condemned too young by disease. The suffering of a mother faced with the unacceptable. The dedication of a doctor and a nurse to accompany them on the impossible path. One year, four seasons, to “dance” with the disease, to tame it, and to understand what it means to die while still alive. “Taming one’s own death or that of a loved one necessarily comes with an intense emotional charge. With De son vivant, unveiled out of competition at the last Cannes Film Festival, Emmanuelle Bercot explores the issue in a moving way. “(Geneviève Bouchard, Le Soleil)

France. 2021.
Running time: 123 min. (G)
A film by : Emmanuelle Bercot

March 13: 1 p.m.
March 14: 7 p.m.


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Théâtre du cuivre

145, rue Taschereau Ouest Rouyn-Noranda J9X 2V5

819 797-7133

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