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Pendant que les champs brûlent – Production du PàP

7 November 2024

7 pm


Raised in comfort and indifference, Ania is closely tied to the wealthy estate where she was born. The cherry trees on this estate evoke both the beauty of her childhood and the economic challenges facing her family. At the age of 20, she expresses a mixture of dreams, uncertainties and determination as she confronts those who agitate and discuss around her, but who are not determined to act to face the changing world.


Pendant que les champs brûlent questions our relationship with natural resources and the land by interweaving a modern adaptation of Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard with the testimonies of citizens and artists from different regions of Quebec. In this grand theatrical assembly, the field of questions is vast, and everyone is invited to take a seat around the table to try to answer them.


With Pendant que les champs brûlent, PàP pursues its quest for field writing that questions our world, through an assiduous presence in real territories and a desire to bring out vivid writing that sparks new imaginations.


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Agora des Arts

170 avenue Murdoch, Rouyn-Noranda, QC J9X 1E4

819 797-0800

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