SINGULAR14 | Dark Patterns
April 23 to 28, 2024
Opening: 5pm to 7pm, Tuesday, April 23
For Printemps Numérique, the MA is opening its space to undergraduate and graduate students in UQAT’s Digital Creation and New Media program. Come and meet young emerging creators and discover digital experiences ranging from video games to laser mapping installations and augmented reality.
While we often imagine the digital experience as a disembodied space, digital “natives” like to put their bodies and those of visitors to the test in new sensory experiences.
Throughout the week, visitors will have the privilege of being accompanied by the creators of the digital environments for a compelling experience. As the titles of the works and the descriptions of the projects show, the young graduates or aspiring masters are questioning the addictive maneuvers and hypermarketing developed by the major commercial digital designers. They develop a critical approach to digital technology and are eager to share their thoughts.
Valentin Guiller
Jean-Jacques Lachapelle
Dark Patterns
Collectif Torus
Fanny Pimpurniaux and Camelia Zahi
Dark Patterns lies at the crossroads of speculative design and interactive art. The aim is to envision possible futures based on current advances, inviting reflection on the social and ethical implications of technology. The Torus team’s aim is to provide users with an experience that prompts them to reflect on the implications of marketing in their daily lives.
How does the creation of an interactive device contribute to a critical reflection on marketing design? Equipped with a VR headset, the viewer watches a video shot in sequence. This demonstrates the misuse of dark patterns – rigged interfaces – and advertising in our society. Throughout the experience, the VR headset uses eye tracking to manipulate the viewer by forcing him or her to look in certain places.