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Verdict : De grandes plaidoiries qui ont soulevé le Québec

24 May 2023

Whether we are thinking of the legalization of abortion, the fight against racial profiling, gay rights or crime, our Quebec society was built when these causes were first debated in court. This powerful play features Marie-Thérèse Fortin and Paul Doucet who, in turn, take on a plea from a famous court case that has changed the society we live in today. This show is also an interactive experience where you are called upon to take a stand, in the final trial, by judging as the members of a jury do. The final stage of a trial, the pleadings are vivid, powerful and touching. A poignant and enlightened look at what defines us as a society.

With : Marie-Thérèse Fortin, Paul Doucet
Director: Michel-Maxime Legault
Artistic Director: Pierre Bernard
Adaptation: Nathalie Roy and Yves Thériault

In French

7:30 p.m..

Admission: $38 (adult) – $32 (student / 65+)


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Théâtre du cuivre

145, rue Taschereau Ouest Rouyn-Noranda J9X 2V5

819 797-7133

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