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1675, avenue Larivière Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J9Y 0G6

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30 March 2022

Musical performance

In 1994, the group Zébulon took Quebec by storm! The band that marked a whole generation is back in an acoustic version! Our favorite Zigs are dangerously fit and ready to take you on their new acoustic adventure. Come and sing with them Job Steady, Les femmes préfèrent les Ginos, and the inevitable Marie-Louise. A show full of rhythm, vocal harmonies and surprises. Attention, Zébulon is more alive than ever!

20 h


Contact details

Petit Théâtre du Vieux-Noranda

112, 7e Rue Rouyn-Noranda J9X 5A5

819 797-6436

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48.2473087 -79.0160353

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