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1675, avenue Larivière Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J9Y 0G6

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Club de golf Em-Bo

Mai à septembre, selon la température

The Em-Bo Golf Club opened in Rouyn-Noranda in 1967. The course is easy to walk and the prices are affordable. It’s a 9 holes. It”s ideal for beginners while being interesting for the regulars.

In addition to traditional golf, the club offers disc golf. This game is based on the rules of golf and is played with discs similar to Frisbees, but smaller and heavier. The target is an elevated basket.  The goal is to put the disc in the basket with as few throws as possible.


Contact details

4251, rue Saguenay Rouyn-Noranda J9Y 0B1

819 797-0211

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48.3290415 -79.0360068

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