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1675, avenue Larivière Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) J9Y 0G6

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What to do

Osisko Multi-Use Trail

Mai à octobre, selon la température

Through urban and forested landscapes, you will travel around a portion of Lake Osisko, the founding site of Rouyn-Noranda. You will ride on a paved path, on the dyke separating the lake in two and in a hardwood forest, mostly composed of aspen and birch. A small stream meanders through the forest and benches provide an opportunity for a few minutes of rest. This 7.8 km trail is designed to accommodate a variety of modes of travel, including biking, skateboarding, in-line skating and walking. Parking is available at various locations around the lake.

For more details, you can consult Accès Plein Air.

Interactive map of bicycle paths (city of Rouyn-Noranda)


Contact details

Centre-ville de Rouyn-Noranda aux abords du lac Osisko Rouyn-Noranda

819 797-3195 / 1 888 797-3195 (Bureau d'information touristique)

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48.244182934381 -79.006595642236

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